The Fundación Argentina de Smalltalk (FAST, invites you to the 10th International Conference on Smalltalk Technologies (Smalltalks), to be held from November 9th through November 11th at the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional Tucumán, located in the city of Tucumán, Argentina. Everyone, including teachers, students, researchers, developers and entrepreneurs, are welcome as speakers or attendees.
This year, we are extremely happy to announce Ralph Johnson and Gilad Bracha in our conference.
Ralph Johnson is part of the Gang of Four that gave us the language to talk about Design Patterns in software. He taught Smalltalk at the University of Illinois with widespread influence on the community. His students include Don Roberts and John Brant, authors of the Refactoring Browser.
Gilad Bracha's work as a language designer and implementer spans Strongtalk and the Animorphic VM, the Java HotSpot VM, and more recently Dart at Google as well as NewSpeak.
1. Registration: Registration is free and now open at
Please make sure to register early to receive the conference's shirt, as well as to help us plan the conference's social events. We are accepting donations from participants to help fund the conference's costs. Please see the Donate section at FAST's website,
Contributions are greatly appreciated, and can be received both in pesos for local attendees, as well as via Paypal for those coming from abroad. Please note that donors, including those that have already sent us their contribution (thank you!), will receive a set of thank you gifts as well as the conference's shirt. For those of you that need a receipt, we can provide those on site.
2. Call for Participation.
Talk proposal submission for the Industry Track is now open at our website:
If you need special arrangements (e.g. because you would like to hold a workshop session), please indicate so in the abstract. The Industry Track's submission deadline is October 20th, 2016.
3. Related events: We will update related event informati= on as we get closer to the conference, so please check for updates.
For any additional questions please write an email to
See you in Tucumán!
Fundación Argentina de Smalltalks (FAST)
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