It's a new version uploaded to SqueakSource (for Squeak) and to the Cincom Public Repository (for Visualworks) a new release of the project called Chalten 2.0 that is an implementation of the Time Domain (not only of the Gregorian Calendar now).
Here are some examples:
"Create some time entities"
August twentieth, 2008 --> Creates an instance of the gregorian Date for 20/08/2008
August twentieth --> Creates an instance of the gregorian DayOfMonth for 20/08
August, 2008 --> Creates an instance of the gregorian MonthOfYear for August of 2008
"But, not only gregorian entities"
Shaban seventeenth, 1429 --> Creates an instance of the islamic Date for 17/08/1429
Shaban seventeenth --> Creates an instance of the islamic DayOfMonth for 17/08
Shaban, 1429 --> Creates an instance of the islamic MonthOfYear for Shaban of 1429
JulianAugust seventh, 2008 --> Creates an instance of the julian Date for 07/08/2008
JulianAugust seventh --> Creates an instance of the julian DayOfMonth for 07/08
JulianAugust, 2008 --> Creates an instance of the julian MonthOfYear for August of 2008
Av nineteenth, 5768 --> Creates an instance of the hebrew Date for 19/05/2008
Av nineteenth --> Creates an instance of the hebrew DayOfMonth for 19/05
Av, 5768 --> Creates an instance of the hebrew MonthOfYear for Av of 5768
"Converting dates between diferents calendars"
(August twentieth, 2008) asIslamic --> Return Sha'ban 17, 1429
(August twentieth, 2008) asHebrew --> Return Av 19, 5768
(August twentieth, 2008) asJulian --> August 7, 2008 (julian)
(Shaban seventeenth, 1429) asHebrew --> Return Av 19, 5768
(JulianAugust seventh, 2008) asIslamic --> Return Sha'ban 17, 1429
(Av nineteenth, 5768) asGregorian --> August 20, 2008 (gregorian)
"Measuring distances"
August twentieth, 2008 distanceTo: December thirtieth, 2008 --> Return an instance of Measure <132 days>
Shaban seventeenth, 1429 distanceTo: Muharram second, 1430 --> Return an instance of Measure <132 days>
Av nineteenth, 5768 distanceTo: Tevet third, 5769 --> Return an instance of Measure <132 days>
"Also, measuring distance expressed in diferents way (calendars)"
August twentieth, 2008 distanceTo: Tevet third, 5769 --> Return an instance of Measure <132 days>
Shaban seventeenth, 1429 distanceTo: December thirtieth, 2008 --> Return an instance of Measure <132 days>
Av nineteenth, 5768 distanceTo: Muharram second, 1430 --> Return an instance of Measure <132 days>
"Collect some entities"
(ChaltenYear number: 2008 calendar: GregorianCalendar) months
collect: [:monthOfYear | monthOfYear lastDate] --> Returns all the last dates of the 2008 months.
(ChaltenYear number: 2008 calendar: GregorianCalendar) dates select:
[:date | date is: Monday] --> Returns all Mondays of 2008
(ChaltenYear number: 5768 calendar: HebrewCalendar) dates select:
[:date | date is: YomShabbat] --> Returns all yom shabbats of 5768
"Let's create a filter for all dates..."
nonWorkingDays := TimeLineFilter named: 'Non Working Days'
"Now, we want Saturdays to be on that filter"
nonWorkingDays addDayRule: Saturday
"Now we want Sundays from January 1st of year 1000 to the end of time..."
addRule: (nonWorkingDays dayRule: Sunday)
from: (January first, 1000)
to: TheEndOfTime
"Now we want all July 9th since 1816 because is the Independence Day in Argentina".
addRule: (nonWorkingDays dayOfMonthRule: July ninth)
from: (July ninth, 1816)
to: TheEndOfTime
"Testing some dates..."
nonWorkingDays includes: (July ninth, 2008) --> Returns true
nonWorkingDays includes: (July eighth, 2008) --> Returns false
nonWorkingDays includes: (July twelfth, 2008) --> Returns true, it is Saturday
"But, how about to filter some like the hebrew new year day"
nonWorkingDays addDayOfMonthRule: Tishri first
nonWorkingDays includes: (Tishri first, 5769) --> Return true, it is the next hebrew new year
nonWorkingDays includes: (September thirtieth, 2008) --> Return true, it is the next hebrew new year (in gregorian)
"21/08/2008 is a Thursday"
timespan := TimeSpan from: (August twentyfirst, 2008) duration: (48 * TimeUnits hour)
settleDate := RelativeDate timespan: timespan using: nonWorkingDays negated
nonWorkingDays includes: (August twentyfifth, 2008) --> Returns false because 25/08/2008, a Monday, is a working day
settleDate absoluteDate --> Returns 25/08/2008
"Now a new non working day is added to the filter"
nonWorkingDays addDateRule: (August twentyfifth, 2008)
nonWorkingDays includes: (August twentyfifth, 2008) --> Return true.
"Now 25/08/2008, is a not working day"
settleDate absoluteDate --> Now it returns 26/08/2008 because the filter has changed
"Working with time zones"
buenosAiresDateTime := TimeZonedDateTime
dateTime: (DateTime
date: August twentieth, 2008
timeOfDay: (TimeOfDay hours: 19 minutes: 35))
zone: TimeZones buenosAires.
greenwichDateTime := TimeZonedDateTime
dateTime: (DateTime
date: August twentieth, 2008
timeOfDay: (TimeOfDay hours: 22 minutes: 35))
zone: TimeZones greenwich.
buenosAiresDateTime = greenwichDateTime --> Return true, it is the same instant but measure in diferent zone
buenosAiresDateTime distanceTo: greenwichDateTime --> Return a measure <0 days>, because it is the same instant
buenosAiresDateTime := buenosAiresDateTime next: (TimeUnits hour * 3)
buenosAiresDateTime = greenwichDateTime --> Return false, the hour is the same but the zone is different
(buenosAiresDateTime distanceTo: greenwichDateTime)
convertTo: TimeUnits hour --> Return a measure <-3 hours>, just the offset between zones