New Website!

We have a new website and a new logo for our community. Go Smalltalk!

Smalltalk was designed for Kids!

Yes! Alan Kay was trying to develop an environment to be used in the education of our kids.

Did you Know that Smalltalk was created in 70's at Xerox?

The use of the mouse, the "copy and paste", the bitblt and others technologies was firstly created in Smalltalk. Steve Jobs saw those ideas at Xerox and he developed a new language, Objective-C.

Mailing List in Spanish!

Please, go to and join us!

September 30, 2010

Smalltalks 2010 Invitation and Registration

The Fundación Argentina de Smalltalk (FAST) invites you to the 4th Smalltalk Conference of Argentina, to be held on November 11, 12 and 13, 2010 at the Concepción del Uruguay site of the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional.  Everyone, including teachers, students, researchers, developers and entrepreneurs, are welcome as speakers or attendees.
Registration is free and now open at
The goal of the conference is to strengthen the Argentine and international Smalltalk community through the exchange of works, experiences and anecdotes connected with this technology or related matters.  Renowned members of the international Smalltalk community will visit the conference.  Moreover, this edition of the conference will have a Research Session with publications reviewed by an international committee, as well as an Industry Track for those preferring a more relaxed environment.  We look forward to see your submissions. You can propose papers or talks know through our website, or by sending an email to info at

See you there!

September 27, 2010

Smalltalks 2010 declared of provincial interest

Smalltalks 2010 is going to be held in Concepción del Uruguay in the Entre Rios provinceAndres Valloud, who is part of the organization team at FAST, gives us more details at his blog about this news: 
The Smalltalks 2010 conference in Argentina has been declared of interest by the Science, Technology and Innovation Agency of Entre Ríos (ACTIER) on the grounds that:
  • The main objectives of this event are to create an environment conducive to promote research and development, to integrate the Argentine and international Smalltalk communities, and to stimulate the publication of educative and research works;
  • That the organization entities (namely: the FAST foundation and the Concepción del Uruguay Regional site of the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional) support the event with their reputation, guaranteeing the participation of programmers, students, faculty members and scientific researchers, and national and international experts who will present, give tutorials and courses which, because of the quality and precedent set by past editions of the conference, will have a large impact thus causing regional interest;
  • That because of its charter to promote research, development and the spreading of technology, to provide technical assistance and to promote all innovative activities that emphasize the social importance of the work done by scientists, technologists and entrepeneurs, the Science, Technology and Innovation Agency of Entre Ríos (ACTIER) is competent to declare the Smalltalks 2010 an event of regional interest.
Many thanks to ACTIER's director Profesora Silvia Kupervaser and subdirector Licenciada Ana María Laffitte, as well as everyone involved in this official declaration and the ongoing success of the Argentine Smalltalk community and the Smalltalks conference. 

September 17, 2010

ESUG 2010, Innovation Technology Awards winners

Here are the ESUG Innovation Technology Awards winners, and again we have people from South America in the first and third place. Congratulations, we are proud of you!
  • 1st Physical Etoys (Squeak Etoys)
      • Developers: Lic. Gonzalo Zabala, Ricardo Moran, Sebastián Blanco
      • Keywords: Visual programming, Programming Real world objects
  • 2nd Cog (Squeak, Pharo)
      • Developers: Eliot Miranda
      • Keywords: Virtual machine
  • 3rd Mars (Pharo)
Videos and more info about participants and winners are on:

Aida/Web 6.1 released

Janko Mivsek has annouced that a new version of Aida/web Application server and Web framework is released for Squeak/Pharo and Visualworks.

What's new in 6.1?
  • Inline translation to multiple languages: to translate your web applications to other languages inline by just clicking the text on the page. Translation is immediately stored in class methods on your web app classes.
  • Standalone web apps, no link to the domain model needed
  • Ajaxified input validation
  • Action blocks (aka callbacks)
  • Routing of web requests
  • Static serving moved to a special StaticServer class
  • IE8 support in IE7 emulation mode to avoid manual checking of IE8 Compatibility view
  • AdvancedSearch widget introduced, for easier implementation of advanced search in web apps
  • Email messenger introduced for easier sending emails with notifications and similar from your web apps
  • RegistrationApp, a standalone web app to guide the user registration process
  • Pluggable authentication, with default authenticator from local security settings included, LDAP authenticator as add-on.
See the release notes for detailed list of all new features and bugs resolved, with most important ones emphasized at
For Squeak/Pharo there is now a Metacello configuration available. To install for instance Pharo just evaluate this script:

Gofer new
        squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
        package: 'ConfigurationOfAida';

((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfAida) project version: '6.1') load.
SwazooAida demoStart.

September 13, 2010

Skype interview to Dan Ingalls by Goran Krampe

Here is the MP3 file with the interview. Read more about this in the Goran's Blog.

06/07/2012 Update

The Blog is down, so you can reach the interview at the Cincom Blog. The podcast Industry Misinterpretations from Cincom, has the interview in the chapter 205.

September 6, 2010

Smalltalks 2010 Call for Papers extended deadline

Fast has announced an extension of the important deadlines. Here are the new dates:

New Important dates

Submission (Extended Deadline): September 25th, 2010 (Argentinian time: UTC/GMT -3 hours).
Notification of acceptance: October 18th, 2010.
Camera Ready Submission: November 1st, 2010

Please, visit the FAST website to have more information.