The conference's goal is to gather both the Argentine and International Smalltalk community to get connected sharing our work and experience with regards to Smalltalk or related topics. Smalltalks 2009 presentations will be divided between the "Industry and Development" and "Research and Education" categories. In addition, the event will host a Smalltalk programming contest. As in other editions, well known personalities from the international community will attend the conference.
The "Research and Education" category is the best match for research and education work done with Smalltalk in universities and public or private entities. The "Industry and Development" category is suitable for presentations related to Smalltalk software developed by companies or individuals, both public and private.
A list of suggested presentation topics, not exclusive, is below:
A list of suggested presentation topics, not exclusive, is below:
- Development tools.
- Development with prototypes.
- Model driven development.
- Agile practices (XP, TDD, etc).
- Web application development.
- Metamodeling / metaprogramming.
- New frameworks or models.
- Materials for education.
- Embedded systems and robotics.
- SOA and web services.
- Experience reports, both development and research.
- Commercial systems.
- Automation and best testing practices.
- Interoperability with other technologies.
- Best design and architecture practices.
Interested presenters should keep in mind the following deadline schedule:
- You must present a summary of the proposed presentation no later than Monday, October 19th, 2009. The summary must fit on a single page, and must include a description, objective, and category of the work to be shown. The submission procedure will be announced shortly.
- The conference's program committee will select the event's presentations from the proposals submitted according to the above procedure by Monday, October 26th. The proposals including dynamic examples as opposed to just static presentations will be given priority.
- The conference schedule will be published in the conference's website on Wednesday, October 28th.
- The conference's works and presentations will be published in the conference's website after the conference.
Those interested in the coding contest can become familiarized with it at the smalltalks-2009-coding-contest Google group: smalltalks-2009-coding-contest@googlegroups.com. The contest's goal is to have a good time solving a problem in Smalltalk, and win a prize while at it. We are working hard to ensure everyone can participate, and we will show examples and prototypes that can be improved by the participants.
For directions to FCEyN, you can go to the computer science department's web site: http://dc.uba.ar
Feel free to share this invitation with those who might be interested. If you have any questions, send us an email at fundacion.smalltalk@gmail.com
See you at the conference!
Smalltalks 2009 Organization Committee.
For directions to FCEyN, you can go to the computer science department's web site: http://dc.uba.ar
Feel free to share this invitation with those who might be interested. If you have any questions, send us an email at fundacion.smalltalk@gmail.com
See you at the conference!
Smalltalks 2009 Organization Committee.
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