New Website!

We have a new website and a new logo for our community. Go Smalltalk!

Smalltalk was designed for Kids!

Yes! Alan Kay was trying to develop an environment to be used in the education of our kids.

Did you Know that Smalltalk was created in 70's at Xerox?

The use of the mouse, the "copy and paste", the bitblt and others technologies was firstly created in Smalltalk. Steve Jobs saw those ideas at Xerox and he developed a new language, Objective-C.

Mailing List in Spanish!

Please, go to and join us!

December 6, 2010

Smalltalks 2010 video talks availables!

In the website of the "Fundación Argentina Smalltalk" (aka FAST) are available the videos of the talks.
Go to the website: and click into the tab Videos. Enjoy them!

October 18, 2010

Citilab Cornella interviews to Leandro Caniglia and Hernan Wilkinson at ESUG

This is a video interview (in Spanish) made by Citilab Cornellà where the ESUG was held in 2010. Leandro Caniglia and Hernan Wilkinson give their point of view of some of the reasons of why Smalltalk is being used in Argentina.
Here is the link to the video:

September 30, 2010

Smalltalks 2010 Invitation and Registration

The Fundación Argentina de Smalltalk (FAST) invites you to the 4th Smalltalk Conference of Argentina, to be held on November 11, 12 and 13, 2010 at the Concepción del Uruguay site of the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional.  Everyone, including teachers, students, researchers, developers and entrepreneurs, are welcome as speakers or attendees.
Registration is free and now open at
The goal of the conference is to strengthen the Argentine and international Smalltalk community through the exchange of works, experiences and anecdotes connected with this technology or related matters.  Renowned members of the international Smalltalk community will visit the conference.  Moreover, this edition of the conference will have a Research Session with publications reviewed by an international committee, as well as an Industry Track for those preferring a more relaxed environment.  We look forward to see your submissions. You can propose papers or talks know through our website, or by sending an email to info at

See you there!

September 27, 2010

Smalltalks 2010 declared of provincial interest

Smalltalks 2010 is going to be held in Concepción del Uruguay in the Entre Rios provinceAndres Valloud, who is part of the organization team at FAST, gives us more details at his blog about this news: 
The Smalltalks 2010 conference in Argentina has been declared of interest by the Science, Technology and Innovation Agency of Entre Ríos (ACTIER) on the grounds that:
  • The main objectives of this event are to create an environment conducive to promote research and development, to integrate the Argentine and international Smalltalk communities, and to stimulate the publication of educative and research works;
  • That the organization entities (namely: the FAST foundation and the Concepción del Uruguay Regional site of the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional) support the event with their reputation, guaranteeing the participation of programmers, students, faculty members and scientific researchers, and national and international experts who will present, give tutorials and courses which, because of the quality and precedent set by past editions of the conference, will have a large impact thus causing regional interest;
  • That because of its charter to promote research, development and the spreading of technology, to provide technical assistance and to promote all innovative activities that emphasize the social importance of the work done by scientists, technologists and entrepeneurs, the Science, Technology and Innovation Agency of Entre Ríos (ACTIER) is competent to declare the Smalltalks 2010 an event of regional interest.
Many thanks to ACTIER's director Profesora Silvia Kupervaser and subdirector Licenciada Ana María Laffitte, as well as everyone involved in this official declaration and the ongoing success of the Argentine Smalltalk community and the Smalltalks conference. 

September 17, 2010

ESUG 2010, Innovation Technology Awards winners

Here are the ESUG Innovation Technology Awards winners, and again we have people from South America in the first and third place. Congratulations, we are proud of you!
  • 1st Physical Etoys (Squeak Etoys)
      • Developers: Lic. Gonzalo Zabala, Ricardo Moran, Sebastián Blanco
      • Keywords: Visual programming, Programming Real world objects
  • 2nd Cog (Squeak, Pharo)
      • Developers: Eliot Miranda
      • Keywords: Virtual machine
  • 3rd Mars (Pharo)
Videos and more info about participants and winners are on:

Aida/Web 6.1 released

Janko Mivsek has annouced that a new version of Aida/web Application server and Web framework is released for Squeak/Pharo and Visualworks.

What's new in 6.1?
  • Inline translation to multiple languages: to translate your web applications to other languages inline by just clicking the text on the page. Translation is immediately stored in class methods on your web app classes.
  • Standalone web apps, no link to the domain model needed
  • Ajaxified input validation
  • Action blocks (aka callbacks)
  • Routing of web requests
  • Static serving moved to a special StaticServer class
  • IE8 support in IE7 emulation mode to avoid manual checking of IE8 Compatibility view
  • AdvancedSearch widget introduced, for easier implementation of advanced search in web apps
  • Email messenger introduced for easier sending emails with notifications and similar from your web apps
  • RegistrationApp, a standalone web app to guide the user registration process
  • Pluggable authentication, with default authenticator from local security settings included, LDAP authenticator as add-on.
See the release notes for detailed list of all new features and bugs resolved, with most important ones emphasized at
For Squeak/Pharo there is now a Metacello configuration available. To install for instance Pharo just evaluate this script:

Gofer new
        squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
        package: 'ConfigurationOfAida';

((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfAida) project version: '6.1') load.
SwazooAida demoStart.

September 13, 2010

Skype interview to Dan Ingalls by Goran Krampe

Here is the MP3 file with the interview. Read more about this in the Goran's Blog.

06/07/2012 Update

The Blog is down, so you can reach the interview at the Cincom Blog. The podcast Industry Misinterpretations from Cincom, has the interview in the chapter 205.

September 6, 2010

Smalltalks 2010 Call for Papers extended deadline

Fast has announced an extension of the important deadlines. Here are the new dates:

New Important dates

Submission (Extended Deadline): September 25th, 2010 (Argentinian time: UTC/GMT -3 hours).
Notification of acceptance: October 18th, 2010.
Camera Ready Submission: November 1st, 2010

Please, visit the FAST website to have more information.

August 16, 2010

NAMCO demands takedown of Pacman game created by kid using Scratch

Namco, the owner of the Pacman game, has sent a letter complaining that a kid has recreated the game using Scratch. Scratch it's a programming language based on Squeak for kids. Namco is complaining to the kid, that everyone can play Pacman for free. It's evident that if a kid could reproduce their patents or the playability using Scratch then they're commercially useless. We need to review our copyrights laws, this is absurd.
Here is the letter.


Google buys the Java technology from Instantiations

Google has acquired Java products, technology, business, and the company’s Eclipse team from Instantiations for an undisclosed amount. Mike Taylor, the CEO of Instantiations, explained in his letter to the customers that he will continue as president and CEO of the new Smalltalk-focused Instantiations.

“In brief, we have entered into an agreement with Google in which they have purchased our highly regarded Java products, technology, and business. Our VA Smalltalk business, products, personnel…and commitment…continue independent and uninterrupted, except that now the new Instantiations (yes, we kept the name) will focus exclusively on Smalltalk!
This may be the most significant news our VA Smalltalk community has experienced since Instantiations and IBM joined forces in 2005--a relationship that remains strong and unchanged as we move forward.”

Indeed, “Our plan is to leverage some of the money we’ve all made in the Google transaction” to keep the Smalltalk business rolling, Taylor said. However, “our Smalltalk business is showing significant revenue growth year-over-year since we got it,” he added. The business has been profitable and self-sustaining, he said. 


July 30, 2010

Juan Vuletich, working for a simplier and clean Smalltalk

Juan Vuletich is an Argentinian Smalltalk programmer who has been collaborating with Squeak for many years. In 2010, ESUG is going to sponsor one his projects, Morphic 3. Here, we have a rich talk about Smalltalk :-)

CS: Juan, you have been involved for many years with Squeak and Morphic, what can you tell us about Morphic 3 and this announced support from ESUG?
JV: Well, I discovered Squeak in 1997. I had been using OS/2 as my main OS, because it had been for several years the only one to allow for multithreading programming. Then Squeak came. An open source Smalltalk at last! And straight from Alan Kay and Dan Ingalls, and from Smalltalk-80! I immediately decided to port it to OS/2. That was my first Squeak related project.
Later, Morphic was ported to Squeak from Self. Morphic was an incredible discovery. I realized a new era was starting, and the books I'd bought to learn about MVC were obsolete. However, several things happened that made it hard to understand it. The biggest hurdle for me was the introduction of Etoys. Etoys was added to Squeak without a clear separation of what was part of the base Morphic framework, and what was part of the Etoys application. Besides, Etoys supports a programming style based on instances (a la Self) and the code was not easy to understand. This only got worse as time passed. People kept adding stuff, and nobody did any cleaning. You can see, for example here: that Dan Ingalls always felt that serious cleaning was needed. Also John Maloney (one of the creators of Morphic, and the guy who ported it to Squeak) speaks about the history of Morphic and the issues he thinks that should be fixed in the SqueakNews interview. Get it at
For some time, I hoped Squeak Central would finally focus on cleaning Morphic and Squeak. I started thinking about doing it myself around 2003. Then Tweak was announced, but it was not what I wanted. So, around 2005, I started to clean Squeak and Morphic myself. I'd been interested in scalable user interfaces for over a decade, so that was the main feature I wanted. I worked on this in my free time and showed it in Smalltalks 2007 and Smalltalks 2009. People liked it, and Esug offered some support.

CS: You have announced that in Morphic 3 you have developed some algorithm using the sampling theorem, which is the basis of the digital audio and photography. How did you start studying this and when did you realize that could be applied to 2D rendering?
JV: I studied CS at the University of Buenos Aires. I took several courses on Image and Signal Processing, starting in 1999. The PhotoSqueak project was part of this. At the same time, I did my thesis on a technique I developed to do "smoother audio". This gave me the mind set and tools to attack the problems in 2D graphics with a new perspective. As Alan Kay says, "point of view is worth 80 I.Q. points"!

CS: In your website ( we can read that Morphic 3 is looking for a highest-quality 2d rendering, even more that Cairo or other libraries and it's 100% done in Smalltalk, what can you tell us about the architecture, the speed and the compatibility of this new version of Morphic?
JV: At the current state, there are 2 parts to this. One is the Morphic 3 classes that would replace the Morph hierarchy. The other one is the rendering engine that would replace Canvas, BitBlt and Balloon. Morphic 3 is not meant to be compatible with Morphic 2. Back compatibility is the single major force against progress in software. On the other hand, the rendering engine is pretty general, and it would not be too hard to integrate it with Morphic 2, giving better quality to most morphs.
With respect to speed, the code is right now in Smalltalk, so it is not very fast. When turned into a VM plugin, performance will be similar to the other rendering alternatives.

CS: What are the major problems do we have with Morphic today?
JV: In Cuis, there are no real big problems, but just that the features are a bit outdated: It doesn't do high quality anti-aliasing, and the UI is not scalable (well, no widely available UI is scalable yet!). Those are the issues I want to fix in Morphic 3. Besides I also believe that a normalized programming style on widget composition and model dependency is needed. I have already developed one, and I use it for my projects. It would be good to rewrite the programming tools using it.
In Squeak / Pharo, the biggest problem (that I have already solved in Cuis) is massive unneeded complexity. You can see it in the Squeak and Pharo mail lists, on the problems people have with Morphic, the kind of questions they ask, and the answers they give. Nobody can understand Morphic. It is slow and bloated, and nobody knows why. And all they do is to keep adding layers on top of the previous ones, making it bigger.

CS: You have developed a new spin off from Squeak called Cuis, what are the objectives of Cuis?
JV: Some of the main ideas and objectives for Cuis are: (from
  • Close to the ideas in Smalltalk-80 and "Design Principles Behind Smalltalk".
  • Include only kernel functionality.
  • Included stuff should be in very good shape.
  • Include a greatly simplified version of Morphic as the main UI.
  • Easy to fix and extend.
  • Cuis is yours to extend it to suit your needs.
  • Stable. Smalltalk kernel should not change much.
  • Compatible to a reasonable degree with packages intended for other Squeak distributions.
  • Lead by Juan Vuletich (jmv) after these principles.
I believe that Squeak and Pharo don't follow Dan Ingalls's ideas expressed in the Design Principles paper. The idea of avoiding unneeded complexity has been central to Smalltalk since the beginning, but it seems to have forgotten in the last decade. To me there is no real advance if the system is still a mess. And working in a Smalltalk where all the time you are faced with old, silly and buggy code that nobody dares to try to understand is a constant pain for me. That's why I do Cuis.

CS: Do you think that Smalltalk should move from raster-based to vector-based graphics to be a step ahead again in graphics?
JV: I don't think that being a step ahead is an objective for Smalltalk. The objectives for Smalltalk have always been "do the best we can with the knowledge we have today" and "be a good tool to experiment, create new knowledge and express knowledge in a runnable form". I believe that software to drive computer displays will move away from the individual pixels exactly in the same way that printers have done it many years ago. No desktop publishing application lets you deal with the individual dots drawn on paper by a laser or ink-jet printer. As all software follows this trend, Smalltalk will also do it. I'm doing in Smalltalk because, to me, it is the best tool for any programming.

CS: What benefits could the scalable user interface give us?
JV: Independence of pixel resolution. Applications that look almost the same on a 72 dpi screen or a 300 dpi screen. (Printers have done this for over 20 years!) The ability to make a gui look bigger or smaller to fit our individual taste, while maintaining very high visual quality.

CS: You said that it couldn't be hard to integrate Morphic 2 with Morphic 3, you could use them at the same time or you will have to change a configuration?
JV: I said that the Morphic 3 rendering engine could be adapted for Morphic 2 rather easily. That would give better visual quality to Morphic 2, but it won't make it a ZUI. May be Morphic 3 morphs could also be used in a Morphic 2 world. Not sure about that.

CS: If new primitives must be added to the VM then the portability will be affected?
JV: This has no relation to Cuis or Morphic 3, right? I'm not adding new primitives to the VM! In general, the answer to your question is that it depends on the primitives. If they are properly written, that should not affect portability.

CS: You said that Squeak and Pharo don't follow Dan Ingalls's ideas expressed in the Design Principles paper, in that line, what do you think about SqueakNOS for example? Do you think that we should go back to the roots?
JV: I think that SqueakNOS doesn't follow "Design Principles". Especially when Dan says "Operating System: something that should not exist"! WRT "go back to the roots", I think it is a bit silly to declare Dan one of our biggest heroes and maintain a system that is bloated and convoluted for no good reason.

CS: You said that MVC is obsolete and Morphic represents a new era but what do you think of HTML and that the whole IT world is looking for web-based applications?
JV: MVC was obsoleted by Morphic over 20 years ago, when Morphic was written in Self. WRT my opinion about HTML and web-apps, listen to any talk by Alan Kay (for example, or check the Lively Kernel by Dan Ingalls.

CS: So, if we sum Cuis and Morphic 3, we can say that you're looking for a clean Smalltalk that could be simpler to understand for everyone? 
JV: Yes, indeed.

If I said ... Would you answer
Soccer. Motorcycle racing.
Food, as a cultural artifact, from all over the world is interesting.
Computer brand?
Anyone, as long as it can run Squeak (better if small and silent).
Operative system?
Anyone, as long as it can run Squeak (and it doesn't crash too often).
Mobile Phone?
None is best.
Ficciones (Fictions) by Jorge Luis Borges.
American Beauty
A Music Album?
"Kill Gil" by Charly García and "Genesis for 2 grand pianos".
TV Series ?
Two and a half men.
Scientific American.
Mercedes Unimog (not exactly a car!)
Open Source?
Yes, please.

July 5, 2010

Gaucho, a direct manipulation environment for programmers in Pharo

Fernando Olivero has announced the first release of Gaucho, a direct manipulation software for Pharo Smalltalk for programmers who firmly believe that programming is modelling. This version provides:
  • Direct manipulation of Classes, methods and packages
  • Easily perform rename refactorings of classes and methods
  • Draggable arrows for manipulating the inheritance relationships between classes
  • Creating and runing tests for all the classes in the system
  • Creating workspaces for taking snapshots of the current pampas
  • Smart searching for any object in the system
  • Keyboard shortcuts associated to the most important operations
  • Logging all the changes to the system
  • Saving/Loading developers and workspaces to the default local directory
You can get more information at the Gaucho's website:
You can see a screencast here, that shows most of the features of Gaucho.

July 1, 2010

XMLRPC Support for Pharo/Squeak will be supported by ESUG

Germán Arduino has announced in his blog that his project XMLRPC Support for Pharo/Squeak will be supported by ESUG. Congratulations Germán!
More information of the scope of the project and details of the implementation at his blog post here.

What is XML-RPC?
It's a spec and a set of implementations that allow software running on disparate operating systems, running in different environments to make procedure calls over the Internet.
It's remote procedure calling using HTTP as the transport and XML as the encoding. XML-RPC is designed to be as simple as possible, while allowing complex data structures to be transmitted, processed and returned.

June 25, 2010

Smalltalks 2010 Call for Papers

4th Argentinian Smalltalk Conference - Research Track: Call for Papers. November 11th – 13th, 2010

Important dates

Submission (Hard Deadline): September 7th, 2010 (Argentinian time: UTC/GMT -3 hours).
Notification of acceptance: October 6th, 2010.
Camera Ready Submission: October 20th, 2010.
Conference Site: Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN), Concepción del Uruguay (Entre Ríos, Argentina)

In the past three years the Smalltalks series of conferences ( have been a lively forum on Smalltalk-based software technologies that attracted over more than 200 people from both academia and industry for three days.
During the first three conferences, the industrial partners showed the applicability of Smalltalk in business, while researches (both students and professors) showed their advances and didactic uses of Smalltalk. The presented approaches and methodologies concerned the language, its implementation technology, its programming tools as well as the software development culture it supports.
This year the accepted papers not only will be available in the website but also the best ranked ones will be published in a special edition of Elsevier COMLAN Journal. Thus, we invite to submit papers in the research track on original scientific research conducted in and/or for Smalltalk in general.
Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:
  • Aspects, Aspect Languages and Applications.
  • Ambient Intelligence, Ubiquitous / Pervasive Computing and Embedded Systems.
  • Compilation Technology, Optimization, Virtual Machines.
  • Educational Material.
  • Language Engineering, Extensions.
  • Model Driven Engineering / Development.
  • Meta-Modeling, Reflection and Meta-programming.
  • Programming in the Large, Design, Architectures and Components.
  • Programming Environments, Browsers, User Interfaces, UI Frameworks.
  • Reasoning About Code (Analysis, Refactoring, Type Inference, Metrics).
  • Team Management.
  • Testing, Extreme Programming / Practices.
  • Web Services, Internet Applications, Event-driven Programming.
  • Experience Reports.

Papers should be written in English, in pdf-format and not exceed 15 pages (including references and figures), using Elsevier journal format.
Templates for LaTeX formats can be found at
Papers must be submitted through the EasyChair submission web site at
The accepted papers will be digitally available in the conference website. From accepted papers, selected ones will be published in a special edition of Elsevier COMLAN Journal.
Papers submitted must not have been previously published and must not be under review for publication elsewhere. Papers must strictly adhere to submission guidelines. If you have questions, please send an e-mail to Marcus Denker and Gabriela Arévalo to using [Smalltalks2010-RT] as tag in the e-mail subject.

Program Committee
  • Alexandre Bergel (DCC, Universidad de Chile, Chile)
  • Noury Bouraqadi (Ecole des Mines, Douai, France)
  • Gilad Bracha (Ministry of Truth, USA)
  • Johan Brichau (, Belgium)
  • Johan Fabry (DCC, Universidad de Chile, Chile)
  • Alejandro Fernandez (LIFIA - Facultad de Informática – UNLP, Argentina)
  • Tudor Girba (Sw-eng. Software Engineering GmbH, Switzerland)
  • Andy Kellens (SOFT, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium)
  • Michele Lanza (University of Lugano, Switzerland)
  • Adrian Lienhard (SCG, University of Bern, Switzerland)
  • Damien Pollet (INRIA / Université de Lille 1, France)
  • Lukas Renggli (SCG, University of Bern, Switzerland)
  • David Röthlisberger (SCG, University of Bern, Switzerland)
  • Tom Van Cutsem (SOFT, Vrije Universeit Brussels, Belgium)
Program Chairs
  • Marcus Denker (INRIA, Lille, France)
  • Gabriela Arévalo (Universidad Austral, Buenos Aires, Argentina)

May 10, 2010

GemStone Systems acquired by SpringSource

Our community was shocked with the news about the acquisition of Gemstone Systems by Springsource, a VMware division. Financial terms of the acquisition were not disclosed. The acquisition would help VMware to advance in its vision for cloud computing. The focus maybe is in GemFire, a product which distributes data to reduce network latency. However, Springsource said that it will continue to fully support GemStone's products. It has been a big debate in our list about this, and the experience with acquisitions in the past.
We all know that Smalltalk is not the mainstream, but we hope that in the future Gemstone/S will continue to grow.


ESUG call for contribution + student volunteer programs

18th International Smalltalk Joint Conference - Call for Contributions
Barcelona, Spain
September 13 - 17, 2010; Camp Smalltalk September 11-12
This call includes:
For the past 18 years, the European Smalltalk User Group (ESUG) has organised the International Smalltalk Conference, a lively forum on cutting edge software technologies that attract people from both academia and industry for a whole week. The attendees are both engineers using Smalltalk in business and students and teachers using Smalltalk both for research and didactic purposes.
As every year, this year's edition of the largest European Smalltalk event will include the regular Smalltalk developers conference with renowned invited speakers, a Smalltalk camp that proves fruitful for interactions and discussions. Besides, this year will be held the:
New this year:
  • There will be a business day: thursday 16th of September 2010. The focus will be on "Agile Development Processes and Smalltalk"
  • ESUG will offer 10 free entrance tickets. To get a free ticket you should send a mail to the esug board (

    Subject: [ESUG 2010 Free entrance] + your name
    And you should write a small motivation. 
You can support the ESUG conference in many different ways:
  • Sponsor the conference. New sponsoring packages are described at
  • Submit a talk, a software or a paper to one of the events. See below.
  • Attend the conference. We'd like to beat the previous record of attendance (156 participants at Brest and 170 people at Amsterdam)!
  • Students can get free registration and hosting if they enroll into the the Student Volunteers program. See below.
Developers Forum: International Smalltalk Developers Conference
This year we are looking for YOUR experience on using Smalltalk. In addition, we are looking for tutorials. The list of topics includes, but is not limited to the following:
  • XP practices
  • Development tools
  • Experience reports
  • Model driven development
  • Web development
  • Team management
  • Meta-Modeling
  • Security
  • New libraries & frameworks
  • Educational material
  • Embedded systems and robotics
  • SOA and Web services
  • Interaction with other programming languages
Submissions due on 1 July  2010. Notification of acceptance on 15 of July 2010
How to submit?
Pay attention: the places are limited so do not wait till the last minute to apply. Prospective presenters should submit a request to AND following the template below. Please use this template since the emails will be automatically processed!

Subject: [ESUG 2010 Developers] + your name
First Name:
Last Name:
Email where you can always be reached:

Any presentation not respecting this form will be discarded automatically

Innovation Technology Award
We are proud to announce the 6th Innovation Technology Awards. The top 3 teams with the most innovative software will receive, respectively, 500 Euros, 300 Euros and 200 Euros during an awards ceremony at the conference. Developers of any Smalltalk-based software are welcome to compete. This year we will request 3-5min videos. More information here.

Student Volunteer Program
If you are a student wanting to attend ESUG, have you considered being a student volunteer? Student volunteers help keep the conference running smoothly; in return, they have free accommodations, while still having most of the time to enjoy the conference. 
More information at:
We hope to see you there and have fun together.

May 2, 2010

About the projects voted in the Smalltalk GSoC

In the web of the Smalltalk Google Summer of Code (GSoC), organized by ESUG this year, we could read that in the final list are 4 students from Argentina. This represents a really good surprise for the Smalltalk hispanic community. We wish them the best of luck and we're proud of them.

Go Smalltalk!

April 28, 2010

New Smalltalk website,

Geert Claes has announced a new Smalltalk website, It has a nice and clear design. The website shows information about Smalltalk, the different distributions, access to the major mailing communities and a calendar with events. 
Welcome to the neighbourhood!

Pharo Sprint in Argentina

Alexandre Bergel is organizing a Pharo Sprint during May 17 and May 23 in Argentina. An entry has been added to the page Please, add your name if you wish to participate. The date and the location hasn't been defined yet. Some people proposed to do it in Rosario instead of Buenos Aires. There are two doodle to define the day and the location:

March 24, 2010

Calling for Students -- Smalltalk Google Summer of Code 2010

Smalltalk community as a whole is participating on this year Google Summer of Code (GSoC) under the umbrella of European Smalltalk User Group (ESUG). The main goal for GSoC is to encourage university student participation in the open source world. It is a great opportunity for students in Computer Science or related fields. GSoC is an annual program, in which Google awards stipends to hundreds of students who successfully complete a requested free software / open-source coding project during the summer.

For potential students

Students, now it is your turn! You will have to register in our website, put there some information, show interest for the projects and contact the project mentors. After the registration step you will get all the mentors information in order to contact them. By pressing the button on the project, you will show your interest. This is not something formal yet.

Our mentors will vote for the most interesting projects and in the middle of the voting Google will tell us, how many projects will actually be funded. Voting will happen in April, with final results expected at the end of April. At that time you will finally know if you are accepted or not.

Of course, there can be many students interested per project. This means that interest for this project is high, but on the other side a chance that you will be chosen is lower. It is up to you to convince a mentor that you are the best!

Note also that the Ideas page is deprecated. On ideas page just the project ideas were collected. Now, we are preparing the real projects. So, please from now on always refer to this link for the projects:
So, the initial steps are:

1. Register on our special Smalltalk GSoC website:
2. Edit your profile to get some more contact information for mentors to let you know
3. Fulfill your brief Biography page (see Biography tab on profile)
4. Go to Projects page, choose up to three projects and click there I'm interested button
5. Contact and discuss with project mentors about your interest.

You will be also subscribed to a special mailing list [1] where we will help you with further steps.
Deadline: as soon as possible, because the deadline to register on official GSoC website [2] is 9. April, which is, well, soon! But about that later...
Finally, we will really appreciate if you can help us to distribute this call for students. One of our goals is to increase the Smalltalk community. Those who have access to universities can distribute this among the students.

GSoC Admin Team

[1] Students mailing list:

[2] Official GSoC website:

March 18, 2010

PhD positions at INRIA

INRIA is offering some PhD positions and they are looking for candidates (note that a commitee will decide). Before applying please contact marcus.dunker or stephane.ducasse
Here are the topics:

Reflection and Security in Dynamic Languages 
Position type: PhD Student
Functional area: Lille (Villeneuve d'Asq)
Research theme: Networks, systems and services, distributed computing
Project: RMOD
More info here (Only works with IE)

Software re-modularization
Position type: PhD Student
Functional area: Lille (Villeneuve d'Asq)
Research theme: Networks, systems and services, distributed computing
Project: RMOD
More info here (Only works with IE)

Reflection and Scoping in Dynamic Languages
Position type: Post-doctoral Fellow
Functional area: Lille (Villeneuve d'Asq)
Research theme: Networks, systems and services, distributed computing
Project: RMOD
More info here (Only works with IE)

Designing a pure trait-based language
Position type: Post-doctoral Fellow
Functional area: Lille (Villeneuve d'Asq)
Research theme: Networks, systems and services, distributed computing
Project: RMOD
More info here (Only works with IE)